Life Status in Hindi: Life is all about collecting the memories and experiences as much as you can… there’s a lot of emotion attached to this word. Life is the sum total of your experiences.
Every individual has unique experiences and these experiences shape our outlook towards life. Taking life for granted is not a solution to any of its problems as life is a one-time blessing, once the heart stopped beating the joys are gone forever.
Meaning of life? there is no clear cut answer to the question of what is life about there is actually a number of answers from the number of peoples out there. The meaning of the word Life does vary from person to person i.e in the post I will try to put some different life definitions such as...
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Love is Life: According, to some people love is life they found attached to everything they are surrounded by. These types of people generally are quite lovely and calm in nature. They believe in spreading and sharing love with others. These people feel a special attachment with different types of reactions such as mother, father, sister, wife, brother, relatives and are amazing in public relations.
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On the same, we have gathered some of the best love life status in hindi, lovely life status in hindi, love life status in hindi 2 line, love zindagi status in hindi, love life status in hindi for whatsapp.
Success is life: According to many people, getting success is life. These people pay more attention on accumulating success in comparison to the love and public relations. Many people on this belief are hard-working, passionate about their work, skillful so that they achieve their most important and one in all goal success.
On the same, we have gathered some of the best very happy married life status in hindi, happy life status in hindi 2 line, happy life status in hindi for whatsapp, happy love life status in hindi, best happy life status in hindi, cute status on zindagi happy life status in hindi, happy zindagi status in hindi, life status change hindi and happy in my life status in hindi for Whatsapp.
Fun is life: This includes all funny people, no matter what happens in their life good or bad they enjoy like a pro. They don't panic or take tension about the surrounding happenings but are focussing on how to enjoy. These people generally are good at doing a difficult task with ease. They believe in enjoying life rather complaining about this and that and are hardly seen serious about life, as enjoyment is a priority.
On the same, we have gathered some of the best very enjoying life status in hindi, enjoy life status in hindi, enjoy your life status in hindi, enjoy zindagi status in hindi font, life status in hindi 2 line attitude and enjoy life status in Hindi for Whatsapp.
Every individual has unique experiences and these experiences shape our outlook towards life. Taking life for granted is not a solution to any of its problems as life is a one-time blessing, once the heart stopped beating the joys are gone forever.
Meaning of life? there is no clear cut answer to the question of what is life about there is actually a number of answers from the number of peoples out there. The meaning of the word Life does vary from person to person i.e in the post I will try to put some different life definitions such as...
Download reality of life animated cartoon video status: The reality of life animated beautiful cartoon Whatsapp Video Status Download story with music best latest Full-screen Free Hd Mp4.
Love is Life: According, to some people love is life they found attached to everything they are surrounded by. These types of people generally are quite lovely and calm in nature. They believe in spreading and sharing love with others. These people feel a special attachment with different types of reactions such as mother, father, sister, wife, brother, relatives and are amazing in public relations.
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On the same, we have gathered some of the best love life status in hindi, lovely life status in hindi, love life status in hindi 2 line, love zindagi status in hindi, love life status in hindi for whatsapp.
Life Status In Hindi
Success is life: According to many people, getting success is life. These people pay more attention on accumulating success in comparison to the love and public relations. Many people on this belief are hard-working, passionate about their work, skillful so that they achieve their most important and one in all goal success.
On the same, we have gathered some of the best very happy married life status in hindi, happy life status in hindi 2 line, happy life status in hindi for whatsapp, happy love life status in hindi, best happy life status in hindi, cute status on zindagi happy life status in hindi, happy zindagi status in hindi, life status change hindi and happy in my life status in hindi for Whatsapp.
जिंदगी की भागदौड़ के बीच से में छोटी छोटी खुशियां चुराना सीखना चाहता हूं।
“दुनिया की सबसे खतरनाक नदी है भावना सब बह जाते है इसमें”
“ज़िन्दगी में पछतावा करना छोड़ दीजिए बल्की कुछ ऐसा करो की लोग आपको छोड़ कर पछताए..!”
“बिना किताबों की जो पढ़ाई सीखी जाती हैं उसे जिंदगी कहते हैं”
“ज़िन्दगी बदलने के लिए लड़ना पड़ता है और आसान करने के लिए समझना पड़ता है”
“जो कट जाती है उसे उम्र कहते हैं और जिसे जीते हैं उसे जिंदगी कहते हैं।”
“जिंदगी की किताब में धैर्य का कवर होना जरुरी है, क्यूँ की हर पन्ने को बांधकर रखता है।”
“अगर हारने से डर लगता है तो जितने की इच्छा कभी मत रखना, अगर जिंदगी में कुछ पाना हो तो तरीके बदलो ईरादे नही।”
“जिंदगी आप को हमेशा एक नया मौका देती है, सरल शब्दो में उसे कल कहते है।”
“ज़िंदगी में हर कोई भूल कर जाता है, न चाहते हुए भी अपने से किसी न किसी को दूर कर देता है!”
“जिंदगी में सभी का प्यार पाने का एक आसान तरीका है.. हमेशा नासमझ बने रहो…!”
“समझनी है ज़िन्दगी तो पीछे देखो, जीनी है ज़िन्दगी तो आगे देखो ।”
“जिंदगी ने मुझे एक चीज सिखा दी, अपने आप में खुश रहना और किसी से उम्मीद ना करना।”
ज़िन्दगी बहुत हसीन है, कभी हंसाती है, तो कभी रुलाती है, लेकिन जो ज़िन्दगी की भीड़ में खुश रहता है, ज़िन्दगी उसी के आगे सिर झुकाती है।
“वो जो शोर मचाते है भीड़ में, भीड़ ही बनकर रह जाते है, वही पाते है जिंदगी में कामयाबी, जो खामोशी से अपना काम कर जाते है।”
“काम ऐसा करो की नाम हो जाए.. या फिर नाम ऐसा करो की सुनते हे काम हो जाए…!”
“जिंदगी जीना आसान नहीं होता, बिना संघर्ष के कोई महान महि होता, जब तक न पड़े हथौड़े की चोट, पत्थर भी कभी भगवान नहीं होता।”
“आधी ज़िन्दगी गुज़र दी हमने पढ़ते-पढ़ते और सीखा क्या, बस दूसरों को नीचा दिखाना?”
Life Status In Hindi
Fun is life: This includes all funny people, no matter what happens in their life good or bad they enjoy like a pro. They don't panic or take tension about the surrounding happenings but are focussing on how to enjoy. These people generally are good at doing a difficult task with ease. They believe in enjoying life rather complaining about this and that and are hardly seen serious about life, as enjoyment is a priority.
On the same, we have gathered some of the best very enjoying life status in hindi, enjoy life status in hindi, enjoy your life status in hindi, enjoy zindagi status in hindi font, life status in hindi 2 line attitude and enjoy life status in Hindi for Whatsapp.
“जितना बड़ा सपना होगा, उतनी बड़ी तकलीफे होंगी, और जितनी बड़ी तकलीफे होंगी, उतनी ही बड़ी कामयाबी होगी।”
“क्यो डरे कि जिंदगी में क्या होगा, हर वक्त क्यो सोचे कि बुरा होगा, बढ़ते रहे मंजिलो की ओर हम, कुछ न भी मिला तो क्या तजुर्बा तो नया होगा।”
“मैदान में हारा हुआ इंसान फिर से जीत सकता है, लेकिन मन से हारा हुआ इंसान कभी नही जीत सकता।”
“ज़िन्दगी कांटो का सफ़र है, हौसला इसकी पहचान है, रास्ते पर तो सभी चलते हैं, जो रास्ते बनाये वही तो इंसान है।”
“आप अपना भविष्य तो नही बदल सकते, लेकिन अपनी आदतें तो बदल सकते है, और बदली हुई आदते आपका भविष्य बदल देगी।”
“जो आसानी से मिल जाता है, वो हमेशा तक नही रहता, जो हमेशा तक रहता है, वो आसानी से नही मिलता…!”
“जीवन में अनुभवों से सीखकर खुद को बदलने की जरूरत होती है। अगर हम बदलना बंद कर देते हैं तो एक ही जगह रुक जाते हैं। जो बदलता है वही आगे बढ़ता है।”
“शब्द और सोच दूरियां बढ़ा देते है, क्योंकि कभी हम समझ नहीं पाते,और कभी हम समझा नहीं पाते”
“तूफान भी आना जरुरी है जिंदगी में, पता तो चलता है की कौन हाथ थामे रहता है.. और कौन छोड़ देता है..!”
“इंतजार मत करो, जितना तुम सोचते हो, जिंदगी उस से कई ज्यादा तेजी से निकल रही है।”
“समय” न लगाओ तय करने में, कि आप को क्या करना है…? वरना “समय” तय कर लेगा कि, आप को क्या करना है…!”
“अगर आप सही हो तो कुछ सही साबित करने की कोशिश ना करो बस सही बने रहो गवाही खुद वक्त देगा..!”
“जिंदगी कब और कैसे बदल रही है, सब समझ आ रहा है, पर न कुछ कर पा रहा हु, और न ही कुछ कह पा रहा हु..!”
“दुनिया मे सबसे कीमती गहना हमारा परिश्रम है और जिंदगी मे सबसे अच्छा साथी हमारा आत्मविश्वास है”
“ज़िंदगी में टेंशन ही टेंशन है; फिर भी इन लबों पर मुस्कान है; क्योंकि जीना जब हर हाल में है; तो मुस्करा के जीने में क्या नुकसान है”
Life is Sad: People with this thought are quite emotional they cry out easily. People with the belief life is sad or meaningless, are actually not enjoying life but passing the life, and are very average on life. There can be plenty of reasons for someone to say life is sad such as etc.“सब चले गए बस हम ही रह गए, इस इंतज़ार में क्या पता तुम मिल ही जाओ।”
On the same, we have gathered some of the best very sad life status in hindi, 2 line heart touching sad life status in hindi, sad love life status in hindi, single life status in hindi, sad alone life status in hindi font, sad zindagi status in hindi and sad status in hindi for Whatsapp.
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Our Take On Life: Really, believe me, or not life is a blessing of almighty Allah, life should be celebrated, lived, enjoyed in each and every one of its moments. We people on this planet earth are for a reasonably short span of time. i.e there is a need to celebrate it to live happily.
We also know that life is sad at many places during the journey, but nothing is created forever in this world taking from wealth to anything you can see in your or surroundings, Viral Bix appeals you not to go mad or panic out in your bad times instead keep trying and make this world a better place to live for others and yourself.
More Status:
Our Take On Life: Really, believe me, or not life is a blessing of almighty Allah, life should be celebrated, lived, enjoyed in each and every one of its moments. We people on this planet earth are for a reasonably short span of time. i.e there is a need to celebrate it to live happily.
We also know that life is sad at many places during the journey, but nothing is created forever in this world taking from wealth to anything you can see in your or surroundings, Viral Bix appeals you not to go mad or panic out in your bad times instead keep trying and make this world a better place to live for others and yourself.